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Pre-Kindergarten - ensuring every child is ready to learn


Pre-Kindergarten in Red Deer Public Schools is the BEST choice for your child! Registration opens January 10 for the 2022/2023 school year.

Parents do the very best that they can, but the fact is that children develop differently. If you have noticed that your child hasn’t hit certain developmental milestones, or if you just wonder if your child will be ready for Kindergarten, Pre-Kindergarten might be a program to consider for your family.

Red Deer Public Schools wants to ensure every child comes to school ready to learn. Those early supports are key to a child’s success.

Pre-Kindergarten is for children aged three and four and helps them understand the basics of a routine. It gives them the opportunity to know how to sit at a table, how to sit at carpet, discover the magic of books and stories, learn pre-printing skills and to just be a good friend.

“It’s the best program because by the time they go to Kindergarten they know how to do a routine and we’re ready,” said Ashley Crosby, a Pre-Kindergarten teacher with Red Deer Public Schools.

A Pre-Kindergarten classroom can include children who need extra speech therapy, children who need extra assistance with fine motor skills, gross motor skills or social skills, or children who require a challenge with advanced programming.

“No matter what your child’s interests are, we have programs that will be able to meet them where they are at and prepare them for their learning journey,” said Susan Parkins, Student Services Coordinator.

There is funding available for Pre-Kindergarten. For families not eligible for funding but who demonstrate the need, there are Bright Start placements which are funded through The Foundation for Red Deer Public Schools.

“I am passionate about Pre-K because it is looking at each individual child’s needs and really reaching out to get to know them as an individual and trying to figure out how we can help them to get ready for Kindergarten - what are we struggling with? What are we needing help with? And how can I get them there?” said Crosby.

Registration for Pre-Kindergarten began January 10th and parents are encouraged to register early. For more information, or to complete the application for Pre-Kindergarten, please visit our Pre-Kindergarten here.

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